The ACS Shredder: Effort to Censor PCA Awareness Stamp Message, USPS Report Says by Les Winick, March 2000
ACS Field Document, April 23, 1999 on Policy for Awareness Stamp leaked by USPS, March 12, 2000
USPS View of Why the Prostate Cancer Awareness Stamp Isn't Selling Steve Corman, February 2000
ACS, Under Fire, Told Don't Discount Patients
January 2000
I Have a Dream - A Journey Across America For Prostate Cancer Don Cooley, January 2000
Cancer vs. Kosovo: Funding the Wars
Steve Corman, Sept 1999
Hyde Lethal Drug Abuse Act Defeated by Physician-Patient Coalition, January 1999
Disclosure of Prostate Cancer Treatments Effects Needed Mario Menelly, December 1998
Medicare Jeopardizes Trust Over Cost of Lupron Harry Pinchot November 24 1998
Prostate Cancer Action Network (PCAN), New Coalition
November 20, 1998
Medicare Aims to Make Patients Quit Lupron, Switch to Zoladex or Pay Extra Harry Pinchot, November 1, 1998
Lethal Drug Act Will Restrict Cancer Patients' Pain Treatments Katherine Meade, August 1998
Relative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Methods of Androgen Suppression in the Treatment of Advanced Prostatic Cancer (Evidence Report, HCPR)
California Contacts re: Least Costly Alternative
Medicare's Lupron Surcharge Goes Ahead in California Harry Pinchot, April-May 1998
A Grassroots Cover January 1998
Debate Update -- Ribbon Vote November 1997
The Prostate Cancer Symbol Debate November 1997
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