to COVER PSA Rising Inspirations August-September 2003

Take a moment to unwind

Bridge, photo by  RevasolixTake a Trip to Durham Township, Pennsylvania and visit Kathleen Connally's World. A photo site. These sites load .... slowly. Try the first week of August. Scroll down as far as the fried oreo and the chicken lady. See current pages at the new site: ,, through October and on. Yes, they load slowly too...Go make a cup of tea, come back and scroll down.

Still too much happening? Visit Presque Rien (almost nothing) where the photographer captures beauty in peace and quiet or non-events. The page loads very...slowly. He has an eye for "nothings."

Hummingbird Nest (still photographs, slow to load, peaceful).

Purple Martin Cam

Puget Sound Eagle Cam

Earlier Inspirations: :january-february 2000 Dec 1999 ::Voices

design, jstrax