Protoxin trial for recurrent prostate cancer
Protoxin, also called PRX302, is a drug being tested on men with localized recurrent prostate cancer in Phase I clinical trials in Texas and Vermont.
Patients considering this trial must have experienced recurrence after completing a full course of definitive external beam radiation or definitive brachytherapy (but not both) as primary therapy for diagnosed prostate cancer at least one year prior to enrollment
Our main news about Protoxin is here:
PSA-activated protoxin that kills prostate cancer: phase I clinical trial is underway
A reader asked for a simpler, clearer explanation of what’s going on with this drug. Here’s what we know at the moment:
In Texas, one trial enrolled the first patients in May this year and is hoping to recruit 36 men with localized recurrent prostate cancer. Patients must have recurred after EBR or brachytherapy, have PSA level less than 20 ng/mL and PSA doubling time longer than 3 months. They must NOT be taking hormone drugs. Also, they must NOT have signs of metastatic disease including no bone metastases on bone scan, or any lymph node, lung, liver or soft tissue.
(full story…)