Satraplatin for HRPC Phase III Trial Filled
GPC Biotech completes enrolment in phase III trial for cancer drug Satraplatin
AFX News Limited/, 12.05.2005
MARTINSRIED, Germany (AFX) - GPC Biotech AG said it has completed the targeted enrolment of patients for its Phase III trial of the Satraplatin drug to treat hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC).
The Germany biotech company said more than 200 clinical sites in fifteen countries have now accrued a total of 912 patients for the trial.
The trial, named SPARC (Satraplatin and Prednisone Against Refractory Cancer), is a double blind, randomised study that is assessing the safety and efficacy of Satraplatin in combination with prednisone as a second-line chemotherapy in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC).
Second-line treatment means the patients have undergone no more than one prior treatment regimen.
Satraplatin is a member of the platinum family of compounds and worldwide sales of these drugs exceeded 2.2 bln usd in 2004.
The drug has also completed Phase II trials in ovarian cancer and small cell lung cancer, and has started Phase II trials in breast cancer.
Several other studies evaluating Satraplatin in combination with other therapies and in various cancers are underway or planned.
The FDA’s ODAC will aprove this second line chemo that provides us no survival benifit but all the chemo side effects and won’t approve provenge. What a bunch of bull. The oncologist are the second hightset paid MDs in medicine and are just puppets the big pharma of chemo. The FDA is currupt and there should be an investigation as to what happened to provenge. Experts vote yes and FDA politics vote no in favor of more chemo. We don;t want more chemo we want treatments that give us more time to live and minimal side effects. You can takr these chemo pills and shove up your you know what FDA!
Comment by tl — May 19, 2007 @ 10:28 pmThe FDA ODAC will approve this second line chemo which gives us no survilal benifit and chemo side effects and the FDA will not approve Provenge! What a bunch of cr*p! The FDA is currupt. Those oncologist are the second hightest paid MD specialty and are just puppets the big pharma. Shove these platinum pills up your you know what FDA. Give us something that allows us to live a longer quality life not this progression free bull.
Comment by tl — May 19, 2007 @ 10:17 pm