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31 October 2009 »
In Broccoli, Cancer, Colorectal, Bowel, Phytochemicals, Prostate Cancer »
Scientists at Oregon State University and Linus Pauling Institute propose in an article published October 7 that sulforaphane, a compound found in cruciferous vegetables notably broccoli, may be useful as a chemopreventive agent for high-risk prostate cancer patients. Sulforaphane, Emily Ho and colleagues write, acts as a histone deacetylase inhibitor on prostate cancer (and colorectal cancer) cells.
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19 June 2009 »
In Polyphenals, Prostate Cancer, Tea »
Men with prostate cancer who consumed the active compounds in green tea demonstrated a significant reduction in serum markers predictive of prostate cancer progression, according to results of a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.
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27 April 2009 »
In Antioxidants, Drinks & beverages, Fruits, Phytochemicals, Pomegranate »

- Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice may slow the progression of post-treatment prostate cancer recurrence, according to new long-term research results presented at the 104th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA), April 2009.
Researchers found that men who have undergone treatment for localized prostate cancer could benefit from drinking pomegranate juice by seeing a significant slowing of the rate of rising in their PSA (prostate specific antigen).
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31 December 2008 »
In Antioxidants, Diet, Grapes, Leukemia, Proanthocyanidins »

This study used grape seeds
An extract from grape seeds forces laboratory leukemia cells to self destruct, or commit cell suicide, according to researchers from the University of Kentucky. Within 24 hours of exposure to the extract, three-quarters of leukemia cells die off.
The researchers say that this proves the value of natural compounds. In making their discovery, they teased apart the cell signaling pathway associated with use of grape seed extract that led to the cell-suicide. This self-destructive process, known as apoptosis, normally gets rid of damaged or aberrant cells.
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Tags: flavonoids, grape seed
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13 August 2007 »
In Cancer, Renal, Resveratrol, Wine »
Swedish researchers report “an inverse association between moderate alcohol intake and risk of renal cell cancer. Consumption of red wine, white wine, and strong beer was associated with a lower risk. ”
But, they add, “there were no clear associations with light and medium beer, strong wine, or hard liquor, perhaps due to chance or differences in other risk factors related to specific types of alcoholic drink. For example, the large variation in other risk factors such as smoking and occupation could explain why hard liquor was not associated with renal cell cancer risk although we controlled for known risk factors.”
The study appears in July issue of British Journal of Cancer. Other recent studies have found that red wine intake reduces risk of prostate cancer in men.
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10 February 2007 »
In Antioxidants, Fruits, Immune system, Phytochemicals, Quercetin, Stress, Vegetarian and Vegan »
Quercetin, a natural antioxidant derived from plants is able to reduce illness and maintain mental performance in physically stressed test subjects, according to researchers at Appalachian State University. Found in red grapes, red wine, red apples, green tea and broccoli, quercetin now becomes as a result of the Appalachian research the first plant compound proven in a controlled clinical trial to reduce susceptibility to viral illnesses.
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