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Viagra - first came
medical ingenuity. Now come costs, lawsuits, and physical, sexual and
emotional realities.
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Welcome to PSA Rising. Which of the blue diamonds above will have the greater impact on the lives of prostate cancer patients? Each in its way is astonishing. Viagra, as we all know by now, is neither a fountain of youth nor an anti-cancer drug. Yet for some men who have lost erectile function through treatment for prostate cancer, Viagra offers a simple and relatively inexpensive chance of restoring a mechanism of intimacy and happiness. The bluegreen object above left is a more radical miracle -- part of how hormones bind to and communicate with the body. The image shows the crystal structure of a vital receptor found on the surface of the body cells of all animals including humans. This discovery, reported in July in the journal Nature, increases understanding of mechanisms that cells use to develop and grow. It is one of several advances in knowledge which eventually may make it possible to fix what goes wrong at the cellular level in diseases including prostate cancer. Read these stories on MedicalPike: IGF Crystal and Viagra by the Numbers. |