Ribbon Vote |
Does this mean a green ribbon has little appeal? Not at all. Some survivors
wear it with a passion. Antonio Vallone, a six-year survivor, wears
a dark green fabric ribbon. Antonio Vallone's motto is I love life.
Life is friendly to me (Amo la Vita | La Vita mi e' amica). Antonio
sees green as the color of hope. Although Antonio is an engineer, he
scorns emphasis on masculinity. He says: "We (at least most of us) have
lost it as we knew it. We are strong, and looking ahead in our life,
and fighting. That is because we are human beings, not because we are
Far from looking for "a 'macho' symbol," Antonio Vallone wants a symbol he can share with his partner, Elizabeth Buie. Prostate cancer, Antonio says, affects the man's partner deeply. "I support the Green Ribbon (alone, in its purity) because it can represent the two parts (the two partners) involved in the struggle.... It is hope, and a scream for awareness." No one can force this issue - every one makes their own choice. Antonio
Vallone and Howard Waage agree on simplicity. Antonio Vallone says a
ribbon is the right choice because "anybody can pin it on a shirt collar,
on a jacket, on the wall near the door of the office. People are bound
to stop and ask 'what is it for?' And you, [either] of the two partners,
can explain." Howard Waage adds: "My blue denim ribbon was frayed a
bit, which added a little character!"