Pain ControlPSA Rising

Links are selected by our editors and are unpaid and non-commercial (unless marked "advertisement")

Available Treatment Options for Pain in Elderly Cancer Patients A review in Doctor's Guide, September 2003. Requires Registration (FREE). You do NOT have to be a doctor to register.

Supportive Care Guidebook for Patients and Caregiversby Stephanie Deming. From M. D. Anderson Department of Neuro-Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Box 100, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, Texas 77030.

Pain Control A Guide for People with Cancer and Their Families EASY TO READ Info about pain control methods, medicines for cancer pain, and non-drug treatments for cancer pain, written for audiences with an 8th-grade reading level.

Cancer Control Journal: Palliative Care In Oncology Issue Excellent set of professional articles on cancer palliative care.

American College of Physicians (ACP) Home Care Guide for Advanced Cancer Cancer Pain A searchable online text book, which you can read online or download

Easing Cancer Pain - A Fireside Retreat (hosted by Michigan University) (site datees from 1998)

Relieving Pain -- Do it Yourself Guide Forthright. By UK physician and futurist Dr Patrick Dixon MA MBBS

The Kansas Cancer Pain Initiative

MAYDAY Upper Peninisula Pain Project from Michigan

The Washington-Alaska Cancer Pain Initiative
Wisconsin Pain Initiative

Cooking for the Very Ill Chef James Haller, a hospice volunteer, has written a cookbook called What to Eat When you Don't Feel Like Eating. Preface by two Canadian oncologists.

Recent News

A single treatment of radiotherapy effective for pain from bone metastases of prostate or breast cancer Oct 21 2003

Cancer Patients' Pain Best Controlled by Following Guidelines Oct 21 2003

Racial, ethnic disparities found in all kinds of pain, U Michigan findsOct 21 2003

Pain Control, Dispelling the Myths from Hospice Net

American Pain Society Educational and scientific organization dedicated to serving people in pain. Resources for Pain Patients and Professionals.

American Academy of Pain Management helps you search for a program by zip code.

The National Lymphedema Network provides education and guidance to lymphedema patients, health care professionals and the general public by disseminating information on the prevention and management of primary and secondary lymphedema.

CircAid Medical Products Velcroadjustable compression therapy "for Lymphedema, Venous Disease, and Swollen Limbs." These replace elastic stockings. Elastic stockings have a disadvantage -- you put them on tight, and if the swelling reduces, they become loose, then the swelling expands... and it's a trouble adjusting them off and on all day. CircAids (patented) use Velcro, easier to adjust. Expensive, but may be covered by health insurance. Be aware that edema of prostate cancer may arise from causes such as urinary retention that may require immediate, emergency medical care. Talk to your doctor about edema, don't treat it as a minor problem.

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