Oily fish protect against prostate cancer - salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring
Wild Salmon near extinct - orgs working to save them:
Wild Salmon Center
Returning salmon by restoring rivers removedams.org

For Sake of Salmon
Salmon Friendly Recipes - help them survive
fish recipes:
Baked fish
Salmon with Mushrooms and Greens
Marinate salmon or other oily fish in a dressing of 2 parts olive oil, one part vinegar, fresh tarragon or other
herbs, salt, pepper, ginger root if liked and chopped green onions or shallot. Add a few sliced shitake or other
mushrooms. Grill or saute the fish and mushrooms and serve over salad made from 4 cups wild greens such
as arugula, chicory, escarole, mustard and radicchio, washed and torn into bite-sized pieces. (Adapted from
Catfish with Wild Greens at 1st Travelers Choice)
1. Sautéed (Frying Pan)
Lightly coat pan with olive oil. Place on medium-high heat. When hot, not smoking, place salmon in pan. For Medium-Rare cook for 3 minutes on each side. For Medium-Well cook for 4 1/2 minutes on each side.
1. Poached
Pour 1 1/2 inches of water into a cooking skillet. Add juice of half a lemon, pinch of tarragon or dill, and one bay leaf. Bring to a boil. Place salmon in boiling water. Turn down heat to medium. Cook for 4 1/2 minutes on each side.
1. Baked
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place salmon in a small pan of half water half white wine. Bake for 18 minutes.
4. Baked in an "Envelope"
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Place salmon on sheets of phyla (Greek) pastry or on a sheet of cooking parchment or foil. Chop a few mushrooms and shallots (or onions) with parsley, add white pepper to your liking. Heap chopped mixture over the salmon. Wrap up the "parcel." With a sharp knife, slash one or two"steam vents." Bake till the fish is tender, flaking and moist not dry.
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