Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies for Cancer Advocates
The Annie Appleseed Project invites you to its conference on “Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies for Cancer Advocates” aka CAM for Cancer Advocates.
January 10-11, 2008 in West Palm Beach, FL
Registration is open, hotel link is up! We’ll have tables for exhibitors, show some DVDs and network. Organic food served.
Check out our speakers bios and website links. All the details can be found at:
We want to help educate advocates, people with cancer, and interested others about the evidence behind CAM. We’ll also be talking about evidence gaps, funding, choices, patients’ stories, opportunities, and much more. Since studies show so many are interested, so few talk to their healthcare practitioners and there is so much evidence, come find out. Bring this information back to your communities, and help answer the questions.