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Has Estrogen Researchers at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey
say that in patients with prostate cancer PC-SPES decreases both PSA
and testosterone. While this may account for a problem with blood clots
and urges overall caution, it also explains why patients on their own
started using PC-SPES. Now research is looking closer, why is the New
England Journal of Medicine in a huff?
Gene Linked to Prostate Cancer in African Americans
A gene may play a role in prostate cancer in African Americans.
Researchers say this would help explain why black men have the highest
rate of prostate cancer in the world.
in Phase I Trials
A drug from the bark of the African bush willow boosts the tumor-cell
killing power of radiation up to 500 times, say University of Florida
researchers. Trials have begun in Cleveland, Ohio and Middlesex, UK.
The drug is expected to work best in combination with radiation and/or
Proscar (finasteride) Fails to Protect A new study by USC/Norris
Cancer Center raises questions about the use of the drug finasteride
to prevent prostate cancer. Although small, the study may be significant,
researchers say.
PSA Test May Reduce Need For Some Prostate Biopsies
A new prostate specific antigen (PSA) test that measures the percentage
of "free" PSA could spare men a surgical biopsy.
Ultrasound for Brachytherapy A new ultrasound imaging
technology may reduce the cost and time required to find out if a patient
is a candidate for this procedure. The developers say it may also help
surgeons place the radioactive seeds more accurately and overcome "Pubic
Arch Interference."
Mapping To Help Keep Sexual Function After Radical Surgery
A new surgical tool that can help spare men from becoming impotent after
surgery for localized prostate cancer is now being widely tested. The
aim is to enhance and improve on existing nerve-sparing surgery.

Viagra by the Numbers Compared
with MUSE, Vasomax, and Ginkgo Biloba for Erectile Dysfunction.
Shark Cartilage Fails Clinical Trial Shark cartilage has
no activity in patients with advanced cancer and does not help their
quality of life, reports Dr. Dennis Miller in the Journal of Clinical
Oncology. Miller and his team tested shark cartilage in a Phase I/II
clinical trial enrolling 60 patients, 8 with prostate cancer.
Anti-angiogenesis Drug in Trials An oral drug for cutting
blood supply to tumors is in Phase II/III clinical trials including
patients with advanced prostate cancer. Trials of AG3340, a matrix metalloprotease
inhibitor, combine it with Novantrone(R) (mitoxantrone) and prednisone.
ABT-594 From Frog
Poison from the skin of a South American frog has led to a new painkiller
more powerful than morphine yet free of morphine's side effects. The
new painkiller, ABT-594, has already been tested on animals
Prostate Cancer Care for Black Men; Pain For Hispanics In Texas
Studies show cancer care inequalities
Trials for Older Patients: Medicare Issues, Safety, Fairness
One of the stereotypes prostate cancer survivors have to fight is the
idea of this as an "old man's disease." Now that elderly cancer
patients are at last getting more attention, prostate cancer patients
may want to watch this trend.
Crystal Discovery
A team of Australians have discovered the structure of a
receptor on the surface of the body cells of all animals including humans.
Their description of the outer IGF receptor is likely to increase understanding
of diabetes and many forms of cancer including prostate cancer.