Men receiving the radioactive "seeds" were more likely to be cancer-free five to nine years later. ...continue reading Brachytherapy combination improves PSA-free survival for patients with higher-risk localized prostate cancer, trial finds
PSA Rising Prostate Cancer News
Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered
Men receiving the radioactive "seeds" were more likely to be cancer-free five to nine years later. ...continue reading Brachytherapy combination improves PSA-free survival for patients with higher-risk localized prostate cancer, trial finds
Welcome! If you're in the PCa boat, we're sorry, but glad that you're reaching out for information from a patient-centered support community.
This year, 2015, according to reliable statistics, some 220,800 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and some 27,540 men will die of this disease. If you read medical news, you'll find these and related statistics intoned in virtually every research article. ...continue reading If you’re new here . . .
Posted April 16, 2005. Adding androgen-suppressing drugs to radiation therapy improves chances or long-term survival for men with high-risk prostate cancer