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from M D Anderson website.
Before you head out to the grocery store to stock up on holiday foods you might like to print or download this 45 healthy foods shopping list pulled together by Mary Ellen Herndon, wellness food specialist, and other experts at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Evidence for obesity as a promoter of several types of cancer as well as heart disease and diabetes in increasing. Adults can avoid holiday weight gain, Herndon says, by stocking up on the cancer-fighting foods on this holiday food grocery list. Naturally, the list is rich in vegetables and fruits -- from acorn squash, berries and dates to pears, quinces, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard and turnips-- and in grains, beans, and lean non-red meat protein sources. Also included are pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and dark chocolate. ...continue reading Shopping for Healthy Holiday Foods to Fight Obesity and Cancer