1. See Prostate Help Association at
2. PSA tests began to be employed for detection of PCa in the early 80's. In 1986, the FDA approved the PSA test to aid in the care of patients already diagnosed with cancer. It was approved in conjunction with a digital rectal exam. The test is manufactored by Hybritech Corp. of San Diego, a unit of Eli Lilly & Company. In 1994, the FDA approved the PSA blood test to help detect prostate cancer in men age 50 or older. This action officially sanctioned the already widespread use of this test to help diagnose the disease. See
3. See The Prostate Cancer Infolink, PSA, DRE, PAP, RTPCR, TRUS, and Other Diagnostic Acronyms,
4. There are many other diagnostic procedures, but PSA levels and Gleason score have become part of the survivor identity: one can be a Gleason 6 with a PSA 16 before RrP, for example. See Gleason DF. The Veteran's Administration Cooperative Urologic Research Group: histologic grading and clinical staging of prostatic carcinoma. In Tannenbaum M (ed.) Urologic Pathology: The Prostate. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1977; 171-198; and PACNET -
5. See Tom Feeney, Fundamentals of Prostate Cancer Detection and Screening,
6. See Aubrey Pilgrim,
7. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prostate Cancer: Can We Reduce Mortality and Preserve Quality of Life? AT-A-GLANCE 1997.
8. Survivors statements were posted at the p2p list in February 1998, under the subject "sex after RP".
9. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, cit. no. 7.
10. A REPORT ON THE First World Conference On Breast Cancer Advocacy? Influencing Change March 13 - 16, 1997. Brussels, Belgium, p.2.
11.The petition drive, like the Coalition itself, began with enthusiasm. However, for several months, NPCC leaders have been in disagreement with the American Cancer Society over which organization would control names and addresses collected on petitions. NPCC says ACS covets the names for use in its fund-raising efforts. The in-fighting has badly damaged the petition effort. There were only 30,000 names collected just before Father's Day.
12.Nature America - Volume 4 Number 3 - March 1998 - editorial - Funding cancer research.
13. Mark Guidera, "Firm to back cancer vaccine; Androgenics to work with UMAB research for prostate disease". The Baltimore Sun, Sep 13, 1997.
14. See Jenner Biotherapies,
15. Charles Bankhead, "Genetic Therapy for Recurrent Prostate Cancer May Be on the Horizon".
16. Nature America - Volume 4 Number 3 - March 1998 - editorial - Funding cancer research.
17. See
18. Walter Mertens. Cancer Survival Report. Mimeo, 1997.
19. CaP CURE. The Funding Gap: Startling Facts - Cancer Prevalence and Funding., 1997.
20. Rosenberg HM, Ventura SJ, Maurer JD, et al. Births and deaths: United States, 1995. Monthly vital statistics report; vol 45 no 3, supp 2, p 31. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics. 1996.
21. M. Gibbons, C. Limoges, H. Nowotny, S. Schwartzman, P. Scott, M. Trow, The new production of knowledge. London: Sage, 1994; J.J. Salomon, "National Science Policy in a Changing World", In: Strategies for the National Support of Basic Research: An International Comparison (I. Asher, A. Keynan & M. Zadok, eds.). Proceedings of an International Conference Sponsored by The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The Charles H. Revson Foundation. Jerusalem, 23-26 October 1994.