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Second Lab Finds Artificial Estrogen Profile in Samples of Herbal Supplement for Prostate CancerBY JACQUELINE STRAX©New York: PSA Rising, August 22, 11:47 EST 2001- Victor Comerchero, a faculty member at California State University (Sacramento), said tonight that laboratory tests completed this week found measurable quantities of a molecule that looks like the artificial estrogen DES in samples of BotanicLab's product PC SPES. "I have received oral confirmation of the results of the analysis of PC SPES for the existence of DES conducted by a new laboratory," Comerchero said. "The written report, with the name of the laboratory and a standard certification of the results, will be forthcoming shortly." DES (diethylstilbesterol) is a synthetic, man-made form of the female hormone estrogen. A generation ago it was widely used to treat prostate cancer. Until now the only estrogens identified in PC SPES were "weak," plant hormones, called phytoestrogens. "I have asked the Ph.D. conducting the analysis to indicate whether the Lab believed what was found was indeed DES or whether it could be a botanical phyto-estrogen mimicking the fingerprint of DES." Comerchero said. "The Director [of the laboratory] indicated that the final report would comment on this matter." Comerchero made the announcement on a mailing list for prostate cancer survivors, the PC SPES mailing list. Members of the list have been concerned for several months that the herbal mixture no longer lowers PSA nor causes side effects like breast tenderness. These effects, medical researchers had attributed to phytoestrogen content (i.e. plant estrogens in the herbs). Susan Domizi, a patient's wife, announced July 8 that a laboratory listed in the Federal Register, which she had hired, found DES in two samples of older PC SPES. At that time Domizi refused to identify the laboratory, stating that she had promised the director to keep their identity in confidence. To get a second opinion based on fully disclosable evidence, a group of about twenty men commissioned a new test from a different laboratory. Like Domizi's husband, these men were concerned about loss of side effects and rising serum PSA's (a chemical marker of prostate cancer progression). "The new lab confirms the results obtained by Susan's laboratory," Comerchero said tonight. "DES was found in earlier samples but not in the two most recent samples." Updated Index of Reports 1998-2002PC SPES Trial Halted, Doctors Say Prostate Cancer Herbal Product Contains Synthetic Estrogen Feb 2002 Xanax, Warfarin and DES Found Unlabelled in Herbal AntiCancer Supplements Feb 5. 2002 Botaniclab Recalls Samples Sept 3 2001 Copy of FDA Test That Found No DES in PC SPES Aug 23 2001 Rocky Mountain Instrumental Laboratories Incorporated, Fort Collins, Colorado Report DES present | Letter 1 | Letter 2 | PC SPES Puzzle July 16, 2001
Synthetic Estrogen (DES) Reported in 2 Samples of "Natural" Herbal Compound PC SPES July 14, 2001 No DES in Prostate Cancer Herbal Supplement, BotanicLab Vouches July 10, 2001 Turmoil Over Prostate Cancer Supplement -- Estrogen Added or Missing? July 9, 2001 Prostate Cancer Herbal Mixture Avoids Osteoporosis of Chemical Hormonal Blockade May 13, 2001 PC SPES, Herbal Compound, Lowers PSA in Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer, UCSF Study Finds: October 28, 2000 PC-SPES Effects on Patients With Androgen Dependent Prostate Cancer: May 20, 2000 PC-SPES Update The Herbal Therapy Lowers PSA in Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer, UCSF Study Shows: May 6 - July 9, 1999. PC-SPES Contains Estrogen, Lowers Testosterone and PSA: November 26, 1998 Test Report, DiPaolo (1998)
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