PSA Rising Magazine
In season now for a Mediterranean diet

Low-Fat Vegetarian Resources

Basic recommendations from the CaP Cure Nutrition group:
decrease dietary fat to 15%
increase fruits and vegetables to 5 servings a day
increase fiber to 25-35 grams per day
add soy protein (soy milk, powder, and/or tofu) 40-60 grams per day

Recipes of the month
at the "Unoffical Dr. Dean Ornish Site"
(better than the official site)

FAT -FREE: The Low Fat Vegetarian Recipe Archive
includes machine-bread recipes

USDA Nutrient Values check fat and other nutrient contents of ingredients using the Fat-Free site interface to the USDA data-base.

Soy Recipes Home-Tested by Prostate Cancer Patients

The PPML Recipe Book Collection of home-tested recipes from members of the Prostate Problems Mailing List. Emphasizes tofu, but not all these recipes are as low in fat as a true low-fat diet requires. Some are bit heavy with canola or soy oil (even lard). Trim the oils and choose lowfat-tofu and soy milk.

Cook Books
The Taste for Living Cookbook Mike Milken's Favorite Recipes for Fighting Cancer
Available from Sam's Club, at bookstores, or from 1-877-884-LIFE.
Price: $27.50 (All profits go to fund prostate cancer research)

Ornish, Dean. Everyday Cooking with Dr. Dean Ornish: 150 Easy, Low-Fat, High-Flavor Recipes. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1996. 

Schlesinger, Sarah. 500 Fat-Free Recipes: A Complete Guide to Reducing the Fat in Your Diet. New York: Villard Books, 1994.  

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This page last modified May 1, 1999