CaPLinks : Medical | Staging & Treatment Modes

Frosty leavesProstate Cancer links

Staging The Disease

Clinical Staging of Prostate Cancer The Prostate Cancer Oncolink, 1995.




Oncolink FAQ: Gleason Score

Understanding Gleason Grading Illustrations of all 5 grades, including Gleason's own sketch, and micrographs accompanied by an explanation and a short description of the clinical significance for each grade. The process of combining grades to obtain the Gleason Score is explained. The Prostate Cancer Oncolink,1997.

Partin Tables How to use them to predict the probability that prostate cancer has spread out of your prostate into the lymph nodes on the basis of your Gleason score, your PSA value, and your clinical stage The Prostate Cancer Oncolink,1997.

Cell Culture Drug Resistance Testing Larry M. Weisenthal, MD, PhD explains testing a patient's own cancer cells in the laboratory to drugs that may be used to treat the patient's cancer.

Treatment Modes: Surgery

Prostate: What Women Should Know Dr. Patrick Walsh, the developer of the nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy, lays out the basic issues in prostate health and cancer care in understandable detail. From Intelihealth.

Anatomical Retropublic Radical Prostatectomy A graphic demonstrtaion of how the technique of nerve-sparing surgical removal of the prostate evolved. Highlights of a presentation by Patrick C. Walsh, MD, Arthur L. Burnett, MD, and Alan W. Partin, MD, PhD, Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins.

Braychtherapy (Seeding) chapter in A Revolutionary Approach To Prostate Cancer Treatment Options Doctors & Survivors Share Their Knowledge Aubrey Pilgrim
Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer University of Californian, San Francisco
Grappling with the Beast One man's story of diagnosis and decision making Craig Glenn, Crawfordville, Ind.

Seedpods at Cameron University A mailing list and information site for those interested in brachytherapy for prostate cancer

Brachy Papers recent abstracts on Brachytherapy (updated) at pathologist Jonathon Oppenheimer's website The Prostate Lab

Prostate Brachytherapy: The Tampa Experience

Do Seeds Really Work? Controversiual critique of Interstitial Radiotherapy (Seeds) by Dr. Patrick Walsh MD, Johns Hopkins Urologist.

Cryosurgery: An Innovative Approach to Prostate Cancer University of Pennsyvania, 1996, updated

Cryosurgery chapter in A Revolutionary Approach To Prostate Cancer Treatment Options Doctors & Survivors Share Their Knowledge Aubrey Pilgrim

Cryo-Forum Urology Papers Cryo-Forum is sponsored by European Urological Surgeons.
Cryo-Forum "Cryo-Surgery and Related Sites"

Hormonal Therapy For Prostate Cancer: What, How, When, and Why
US TOO International Incorporated

Intermittant Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer Nicholas Bruchovsky, M.D. S. Larry Goldenberg, M.D., Martin Gleave, M.D., Advances in Urology®, vol. 10

Prostates, Hormones, and Males Sexuality by Nick De Wolfe (1996)

Conformal Proton Beam Radiotherapy of Cancer (1995/96) Carl J. Rossi, Jr., MDLoma Linda University Medical Center, CA at The Prostate Cancer InfoLink

Proton Beam Radiation Loma Linda University Medical Center Proton Center

Prostate Cancer Vaccine Trials MSKCC

Ask Noah About Cancer / Pregúntale a NOAH sobre el cáncer
NOAH is New York Online Access to Health

CancerCare Free Counselling and referralsToll free call1-800-813-HOPE

International Cancer Information Center at the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NCI's hub for information about cancer screening, prevention, treatment, and supportive care

National Cancer Institute (NCI) CancerNet
A gateway into NCI. From here you can access some of PDQ -- the Physician Data Query data base -- which provides detailed information about specific cancers written for medical professionals and patients (lay readers). A guide for using PDQ is available on line. You can also access CancerTrials for a guide to the clinical trials process and for information about specific clinical trials approved by NIH.

Oncolink (University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center)

The Prostate Cancer InfoLink CoMed Communications

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

US News and World Report Best Hospitals Finder

Facing Forward: A Guide for Cancer Survivors
A booklet written and published by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in cooperation with the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.



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Modified 1 Aug, 1999