admin »
19 December 2008 »
In Cancer, Cancer Treatments, Complementary + Alt Med, Complementary integrative, QOL »
Music “has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,” wrote playwright William Congreve, “To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.” But can it soothe those mired in the grief, confusion and pain of cancer diagnosis and treatment?
Music therapist Megan Gunnell at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center thinks so. She uses music to help heal cancer patients’ spirits as well as their bodies.

UM Music therapist Megan Gunnell
You can listen to one of her music therapy sessions. You’ll need QuickTime music player . If you don’t already have it installed on your computer, you can download it for Windows or Mac in a free version from Apple.
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admin »
09 November 2005 »
In Prostate Cancer, Selenium, Vitamin E »
As reported, A Protein That Helps Maintain Vitamin E Levels Suppresses Prostate Cancer, University of Rochester Medical Center researchers have found an organic protein in the body, a protein, that helps prostate cancer cells retain vitamin E. This helps vitamin E to limit the growth of the cancer.
This protein, which they call scientists have named alpha tocopherol associated protein, or TAP, suppresses growth of the cancer by disrupting an important signaling pathway in prostate cancer cells.
A reader asks, for men with prostate cancer would it help to take a high quality vitamin E pill?
We don’t really know. Last year a controversial study from Johns Hopkins found that, especially in older people, consumption of current maximum dose of vitamin E was associated with a higher death rate.
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