PSA Rising

George Orick
Green Tea
Welcome to PSA Rising, an independent magazine for and by men with prostate cancer, their families and friends, and people who care about them. Wherever prostate cancer survivors express what's on their minds and in their hearts we'll do our best to put their voices upfront and center.

PSA Rising is part of a movement calling for patient-centered medicine and advanced cancer treatments. Open-minded but resistant to phony panaceas, we're seeking more than palliation. It's time to find a cure for prostate cancer.

If you're looking for advice, we can't promise all the answers but we'll point out information and support. Please visit this site whenever you have time to explore.

Men with prostate cancer often tell those who are recently diagnosed, No one wants to join the prostate cancer club. Then they add some good news. Knowledge of cancer and how to treat it is cascading. Hope, increasingly, has a scientific basis. And prostate a cancer survivors are reaching out to one another and creating networks and communities of support.

Survivors are evaluating their needs, sharing their experiences, asserting their views. In doing so they are improving medicine and the quality of their own lives. This is what we stand for at PSA Rising. By confronting apathy about prostate cancer and sparking activism, together we can keep hope alive
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This is January/Feb 1998 Issue
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This is January/Feb 1998 Upfront.
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Prostate Cancer Crisis for African American Men
Click for this story
African-American men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world and the worst survival rate.

"Picking Green Tea"
by George Orick

Green Tea Room
on Eating Well

Doctor Who Gave Deadly Aloe Vera Shots Loses License
Feb 28, 1998

Painkiller ABT-594 from Frog

MSKCC to Run Clinical Trial of PC-SPES

IGF-1: New Way to Predict Prostate Cancer

A Hundred Men
by Burns Mixon

"I hope that this will be useful to anyone reading it who knows what it means to live with a rising PSA."

Voices for Survival
Burns Mixon
Fred Mills
Wendy Dyer

PSA Rising © 1997, 1998. All rights reserved. Updated March 2, 1998