Lockerbie Bomber Megrahi Hospitalized for Prostate Cancer
Is Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the convicted and now released Lockerbie bomber, really on the brink of dying of prostate cancer? Official letters about his release from prison in Scotland omit his medical records. These records remain sealed.
According to a Libyan official Mr Megrahi, age 57, “is a dying man.” Libyan Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mohammed Sialam, told reporters that al-Megrahi is in worsening condition and is not expected to survive much longer.
At home in Tripoli, over the weekend he was rushed to hospital. A British TV team was invited in to film him in his private room. Fluorescent light turns greenish on TV and he looks quite ill. Channel 4 (UK)’s Jonathan Miller says “It looked to me as though Abdel Basset al-Megrahi wasn’t long for this world.” But a vital signs monitor, which looks only half half hooked-up, shows his heart rate within normal range.