Wear Plaid for Dad, launched in Canada, is a new campaign to raise prostate cancer awareness.  Join people across Canada leading up to Father’s Day by wearing plaid on June 19th.

Prostate Cancer Canada has launched Wear Plaid for Dad June 19.
Prostate Cancer Canada has launched Wear Plaid for Dad June 19.

Prostate Cancer Canada organizers say:

Why Wear Plaid?

Leading up to Father’s Day, a time when the focus is already on men and families, we can help raise awareness and funds to help protect men from prostate cancer -  the most common cancer affecting men.
So please on June 19th join people across Canada and Wear Plaid for Dad. Whether it’s a shirt, a tie, a scarf, or even a suit – if it’s plaid it’ll work! With just a simple wardrobe choice, you’ll be helping protect the 1 in 8 men who will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.
Visit Prostate Cancer Canada's event web site  for more details.

Jenny Potter in The North Bay Nugget, Ontario, Canada, reports "Another obstacle is out of the way for men at risk of developing prostate cancer." Unfortunately, this is not quite yet the case. As Potter says:

The Ontario government recently announced it will cover the cost of the prostate-specific antigen tests when performed at laboratories.

Currently, publicly funded tests are only available in hospitals, but picking up the tab for those performed in laboratories will make it more convenient for rural patients to be tested.

Trouble is, as Potter's report goes on to explain:

Men must meet a list of criteria in order to avoid paying $30 for the test at a local laboratory.

Patients showing symptoms of prostate cancer, who have received a diagnosis or who are directly related to someone with the disease qualify to be tested for free.

...continue reading PSA test coverage extended for Canadian men with symptoms