Archive > June 2007

Washington, D.C. June 4th Prostate Cancer Walk

» 02 June 2007 » In Awareness Events, Prostate Cancer » No Comments

Washington DC walk & assembly

When: Monday, June 4th


To display our unified dissatisfaction with recent FDA Provenge ruling, and gain news coverage as the largest D.C. prostate cancer assembly ever held (350 or more). We are raising a voice for prostate cancer once again, and the unmet need for more treatment options for advanced PC patients. We are building on what we accomplished together at the March 29th FDA Provenge review meeting.

We ARE newsworthy! (ABC, NBC, CNBC, Seattle Times, and Wall St Journal so far)

We ARE a powerful voice and force!

We ARE a larger group of voting taxpayers than the government seems to realize.

We WANT better communication and representation!

How can an organization claim to be objective when they’ve totally lost sight of the object? We ARE the object.

Attire: Blue shirt, any type
Blue jeans, jean shorts, or jean skirt (or something comparable).
Those who have a military or law enforcement job, wear your uniform if you can.
Those in the medical field, wear your uniform if you like.
(we will have blue rain ponchos in case of inclement weather for $1 donation)
Wear comfortable shoes.
Bring water.

Signs: Inquire with Jan on content. There are strict regulations for signs, but signmakers are welcome. Again, you must inquire with Jan at (239) 395-0995 or [email protected]

Visual Ideas:
Bring men & women in uniform.
Bring a friend, family member.
We are working on having music.
We are working on trucks with blue ribbon, etc.
Motorcycles canNOT find a place to park, so not a workable idea.

This is being organized by Jan Manarite of PCRI, and Raise A Voice. Jan helped to organize and coordinate the success at the March 29th FDA Provenge review meeting. Our plan is to make this another memorable, meaningful event for men with prostate cancer.Washington DC walk & assembly

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Vakzine Prostate Cancer Vaccine “Promising”

» 01 June 2007 » In Prostate Cancer, Vaccines » No Comments

A company in Hanover, Germany, Vakzine Projekt Management, reports positive clinical trial results with their therapeutic prostate cancer vaccine VPM4001. The results will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago, USA.

A clinical phase I/II study with 30 patients completed in 2006 showed that 73% of patients suffering from advanced, hormone-resistant prostate carcinoma responded positively to the VPM4001 therapy. The primary study parameter, the PSA doubling time, was increased from 63 days to 114 days on average. This promising result has a high statistical significance (p=0.0035), the company says. PSA doubling time is a surrogate parameter well correlated to survival: higher PSA doubling times mean higher probabilities to survive a five year period. In this trial, the median survival time came to 981 days.

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“Complete Remission” in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer

» 01 June 2007 » In Clinical trials, Hormone refractory, Prostate Cancer » No Comments

From ASCO annual general meeting, 2007, comes this abstract of a study by A. Reichle, B. Walter, A. Berand, M. Vogelhuber, K. Bross, J. Wilke, W. Wieland, R. Andreesen, S. Rogenhofer.

Background: The present multi-centre phase II study was designed to support the hypothesis that networking agents binding to ubiquitous accessible targets in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC) may counteract neoplasia-specific aberrant cellular functions, thereby mediating objective response (primary endpoint).

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