PSA Velocity in Older Men
PSA velocity is a predictor of prostate cancer detection in men above age 60 as well as in younger men, according to findings presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association. William Catalona MD and colleagues presented evidence that PSA velocity “is significantly higher in men of all ages with prostate cancer compared to those without prostate cancer,” although the measure “performed the best in young men.” “Interestingly,” Catalona’s group writes, “the median PSAV in men with prostate cancer was less than 0.75 ng/ml/year regardless of age, suggesting that this threshold may be too high. Overall, this data confirms that PSA velocity is a useful tool for prostate cancer detection.”
Full story: PSA Velocity is a Signficiant Marker of Prostate Cancer in Older Men as Well as in Younger Men May 31, 2007
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