NPCC: Help Continue Vital Prostate Cancer Research

01 April 2006 Filed under Uncategorized Posted by admin »

Help Continue Vital Prostate Cancer Research: Contact your U.S.
Senator Today!

Please contact your Senator and ask her/him to sign the Snowe-Johnson
“Dear Colleague” letter in support of the cancer research
programs at the Department of Defense, specifically urging an $85
million allocation for the Prostate Cancer Research Program.

Please take a moment to personalize the e-mail to your Senator to
explain how prostate cancer has impacted your life. Staff members
remember stories better than statistics and personalized e-mails
receive more attention than form e-mails. Personalizing your
communication is extremely important!

If the person you contact in the Senator’s office would like
more information about the letter, please direct them to Bill Pewen in
Senator Snowe’s office at (202) 224-5344, Mara Baer in Senator
Johnson’s office at (202) 224-5842, or Susan Stoner at the
National Prostate Cancer Coalition at (202) 303-3104.

Take Action Now! Write Your Officials

A “Dear Colleague” letter is a tool for members of Congress to build
support for a program or particular legislative proposal. Any member
of the Senate can sign-on and after numerous signatures are collected,
the final letter will be delivered to the Senate Defense
Appropriations Subcommittee.

Read the full “Dear Colleague” Letter

National Prostate Cancer Coalition
1154 Fifteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Tel: 202-463-9455
Fax: 202-463-9456

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