Finding Alternative Sites for NCI Clinical Trials
* Call 301-496-5725 if you are participating in a NCI-sponsored clinical trial in a hospital or oncology practice located in the hurricane-affected region. This line will be answered from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (Eastern Time). After hours and on weekends, callers can leave a message and an NCI employee will respond within an hour. Provide as much information as you can about the clinical trial (for example Protocol number, type of cancer, name of test drug) to help NCI Information Specialists direct you to the appropriate resources.
# SELECT trial participants – Please check the Southwest Oncology Group’s SELECT Web site to locate a SELECT study center near your new location.
# STAR trial participants – Please check the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project’s STAR Web site to locate a STAR study center near your new location.
NCI responds to Hurricane Katrina
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